Can Jack Russells Eat Apples?

can jack russells eat apples

Just like any other dog, Jack Russells can eat apples. Apples contain a lot of vitamin C, which promotes bone and dental health, fiber which is great for your dog’s digestion, and they are also low in sugar – making them perfect for your furry friend.

Are Apples healthy for your Jack Russell?

Apples are great for dogs, but they do not have a lot of nutrients. Apart from Fibre and Vitamin C, of course. But your dog does not require Vitamin C feeding him apples won’t add much nutritional value to his diet.

How many apples can Jack Russells have?

One or two slices of apple per day can be given to your dog. Apples can be added to their food or they can be given as a treat. Just be sure to remove the seeds and stems since they are not good for your Jack Russell.

Giving your Jack Russell too many apples will give him diarrhea and other digestive issues. If you want to avoid these issues, it is best to feed apples as a treat or as a snack once a day along with his normal food intake.

How to prepare apples for your dog

Apples are great for your dog, but you should take the peeling and removing of the seeds and stems into consideration. The seeds and stems can cause blockages in your dog’s intestines.

Your Jack Russell might not eat apples that have skin on them, so you might need to peel them. Just remember that many people use pesticides on their apple trees so buy organic apples to be safer for your dog. Also, if you choose to freeze the apples be sure to remove the skin before doing so because it contains a lot of pesticides from being handled by people.

What about apple sauce?

There are many dog owners who opt for Apple sauce because it is a great way to add fiber to your Jack Russell’s diet. The problem with this is that it can be too high in sugar and it can cause digestive issues for your furry friend.

If you use apple sauce on your dog’s food, use only a tiny amount. That way you will still get the fiber content without causing any digestive issues for your dog.

What other fruits are safe for your Jack Russell to eat?

Fruits are healthy for dogs as long as they are not eaten in excess or given to a dog with an allergy to the particular fruit being offered. Some fruits such as grapes and raisins can be very dangerous for dogs if ingested in large quantities because they contain toxic substances.


Bananas are healthy for dogs to eat because they contain lots of potassium and other minerals. Most dogs will love the taste of bananas. However, be careful how much you give your dog at one time because it is possible to give your dog too much potassium at once.

Too much can lead to an irregular heartbeat. Be sure to only feed up to 6 small banana slices per day or 2/3 cup of mashed banana. Also, note that unripe bananas exist and are poisonous so never feed these to your dog!


Blueberries are healthy for dogs because they contain antioxidants which are great for the immune system and metabolism. Dogs love the taste of blueberries but be warned that they contain a lot of sugar and may cause diarrhea if given in excess.


Strawberries are healthy for dogs because they contain antioxidants and are a good source of vitamin C. If your dog does not have any allergies to strawberries, then they should be fine to eat them as a treat every once in a while. However, note that too much sugar can cause diarrhea.


Pears are healthy for dogs but they are best given to dogs that have no allergies to them. Pears have a low sugar content so they can be given if your dog is diabetic or has problems with his pancreas. Pears also contain fiber, vitamins A, B, C, and E, and antioxidants which are all great for a dog’s health.


Mangos are healthy for dogs. Just don’t feed them too many at once because they contain too much sugar and can cause diarrhea. Mangos also contain a lot of vitamin A which is good for the skin and immune system.


Watermelon is healthy for dogs to eat in small quantities. Watermelon contains a lot of water and fiber which are both great for the digestive tract. They also contain vitamin A and C but can cause diarrhea if fed in excess.


Coconut is healthy for dogs because it contains lots of fiber and antioxidants. Coconut should not be given to dogs that have allergies or are suffering from diarrhea because it can aggravate the condition. Also, note that there has not been enough research done on coconut to determine its effects on dogs, so you’ll want to watch your dog closely after feeding them some coconut the first time around.


Cantaloupe is healthy for dogs but like watermelon, it contains lots of sugar and should only be given in small amounts. This fruit can actually help relieve constipation for dogs that are having problems with that.


Apples are great for your dog. You have the option to add them to food or give them as a treat, but remember that overdosing on apples can be harmful to your Jack Russell.

Always make sure you remove the seeds and stems from apples before giving them to your dog and never give him more than two slices per day. If you follow these guidelines, you can rest assured knowing that your furry friend is in good hands as he eats those delicious apples.


  • Jan Pretorius

    Meet Jan Pretorius, the passionate dog lover and proud owner of the popular canine haven, Born and raised in a small town known for its love of animals, Jan’s journey into the world of dogs began at a young age, fueled by an innate connection with our four-legged companions.